ins加粉丝 商标起名字时需要注意哪些问题?还要了解商标与专利侵权的情况,以及亚马逊缺乏货源的不同之处。

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< p yl =" - i 7p ;">而后来出资举办取名大会,可口可乐公司喜提“可口可乐”的名称,不仅保持了英文的音译,而且中文含义更好。而这个名称也为可口可乐打开了 的市场!And later, an investment was made to hold a naming competition, and the Coca-Cola Company happily claimed the name "可口可乐" (Kěkǒu Kělè), which not only maintained the phonetic translation of its English counterpart but also had a better meaning in Chinese. This name also paved the way for Coca-Cola to enter the Chinese market with great success. The significance of a well-translated brand name cannot be underestimated, especially when expanding into foreign markets. The ability to effectively convey the essence and appeal of a product's identity in a different language can be a game-changer. For international companies, it is crucial to carefully consider the cultural, linguistic, and social factors of the target market when choosing a name. Coca-Cola understood the importance of adapting their brand name for the Chinese market. They recognized that a direct translation of "Coca-Cola" would not have the same impact or resonance. Instead, they sought a name that captured the essence of their product while appealing to Chinese consumers. The name "可口可乐" perfectly achieved this objective. In Chinese, "可口" (kěkǒu) means delicious or tasty, and "可乐" (kělè) means happy or joyful. These two simple words brilliantly convey the core concept of the Coca-Cola brand – a beverage that brings joy and deliciousness to people's lives. Moreover, by using characters that are easy to remember and pronounce, Coca-Cola ensured that their brand name would resonate with Chinese consumers. This linguistic adaptation was a strategic move to appeal to the taste buds and emotions of Chinese consumers, ultimately boosting their connection and loyalty to the brand. The success of Coca-Cola in China is a testament to the power of a well-translated and culturally adapted brand name. It demonstrates the company's commitment to understanding the needs and preferences of their target market. This approach not only helped Coca-Cola penetrate the Chinese market effectively but also enabled them to build a strong and enduring brand presence. However, Coca-Cola's experience also serves as a cautionary tale for other companies venturing into foreign markets. It is essential to approach brand naming with care and mindfulness, as a poorly translated or culturally inappropriate name can have detrimental effects on a brand's reputation and success. In conclusion, the story of how Coca-Cola acquired its Chinese name, "可口可乐," showcases the importance of linguistic and cultural adaptations in brand naming. It exemplifies the value of understanding and embracing the target market's language and culture, ultimately leading to the establishment of a strong and beloved brand presence. The lesson here is clear – when expanding globally, invest time and effort into creating a brand name that reflects the essence of your product and resonates with the local consumers.

< p yl =“- i 7p;”> 而後來出資舉辦取名大會,可口可樂公司喜提“可口可樂”的名稱,不僅保持了英文的音譯,而且中文含義更好。 而這個名稱也為可口可樂打開了中國的市場!fb 追踪,Instagram爆like粉,fb 订阅 购买,Instagram帳號買賣可口可乐公司已经成为全球知名的饮料品牌之一,而他们在中国的成功与他们的品牌名称选择密切相关。可口可乐是如何赢得中国消费者的青睐的呢? 早在上世纪80年代,可口可乐公司决定进军中国市场。在进一步推广之前,他们首先面临一个重要的问题,那就是如何将“Coca-Cola”这个品牌名译成中文。他们希望能够保留原英文名称的音译,同时又要有一个具有积极含义的中文名字。 为了解决这个问题,可口可乐公司组织了一个取名大会。各种各样的翻译和音译方案被提出,然而最终被选出的名字却是“可口可乐”。这个名字不仅保留了英文原名的音译,同时在中文中也有了更好的含义。可口可乐的音译“kě kǒu kě lè”意为口感良好、令人愉悦。这个名字非常贴切地传达了可口可乐饮料给人们带来舌尖上的快乐和畅爽口感的形象。 选定了名字之后,可口可乐公司开始了对中国市场的推广和销售工作。他们开展了广告宣传活动,与各大媒体合作,推出了适应中国市场口味的产品。他们还举办了各种促销活动,与中国的合作伙伴建立了稳定的渠道。这一系列举措帮助可口可乐公司在中国市场建立了强大的品牌声誉和广泛的认可度。 随着时间的推移,可口可乐在中国市场取得了巨大的成功。他们的产品深入到了城市和农村的每一个角落。无论是在零售店还是餐馆,人们都能够轻松找到可口可乐的身影。 可口可乐的成功在一定程度上也影响了其他跨国公司在中国的品牌命名和推广策略。许多公司都倾向于音译英文名称,并且在中文中有积极的内涵。 可口可乐的品牌成功案例告诉我们,一个好的品牌名称在市场推广中起到了至关重要的作用。它不仅仅是一个词语的简单翻译,更是传递品牌特点和形象的关键。在中国这样一个文化多样性的国家,理解并尊重当地观念和价值观是成功的关键之一。 可口可乐公司在中国的市场成功是多年来策略和努力的结果。他们不仅选择了一个恰当的中文名称,还积极推动品牌建设和市场推广。他们的成功不仅是对他们自身的胜利,也是对其他公司的广告营销和品牌策略的重要借鉴。

< p yl =" - i 7p ;">③市场定位:在不同的消费市场上,商标名称也发生了变化。例如,面对青年白酒市场,江小白的商标名称相对随和。此外,设计形象可以使年轻人有强烈的替代感。3. Market positioning: The branding of a product or company can vary across different consumer markets. For instance, when targeting the young white liquor market, the branding of Jiang Xiao Bai adopts a relatively casual and approachable name. Additionally, the design and image of the product can evoke a strong sense of identification among the younger demographic. As the competition in the consumer market intensifies, companies are investing more resources into market research to better understand their target audience. One crucial aspect of this research is market positioning, which involves creating a distinct image and identity for a brand that sets it apart from its competitors. Market positioning is not a new concept, by any means. However, what has changed in recent years is the increasing emphasis on adapting a brand's name and image to resonate with specific consumer segments. This strategy aims to establish a lasting connection with the targeted market and foster a sense of loyalty towards the brand. Taking the example of Jiang Xiao Bai, a popular white liquor brand in China, their market positioning strategy is evident. Recognizing the potential of the young adult market, they have chosen a name that is easy to remember and pronounce, making it more accessible to this target group. By doing so, they have successfully created a brand identity that appeals to the younger generation, evoking a sense of familiarity and comfort. In addition to the name, the design and overall image of Jiang Xiao Bai further contribute to its market positioning. The packaging and marketing materials feature modern and vibrant designs that resonate with the youthful demographic. This visual appeal creates a strong emotional connection, making the product more relatable and desirable to its target consumers. The market positioning of Jiang Xiao Bai is a testament to the importance of adapting a brand's name and image to suit different consumer markets. By understanding the unique preferences and values of their target audience, companies can tailor their branding to effectively communicate and connect with their customers. Furthermore, this approach showcases the power of design in marketing. A well-designed brand image has the potential to influence consumers' perceptions and purchasing decisions. In the case of Jiang Xiao Bai, the modern and distinctive design not only attracts the attention of young consumers but also reinforces the brand's positioning as a trendy and youthful choice. In conclusion, the market positioning of a brand plays a crucial role in attracting and engaging consumers. As seen with the example of Jiang Xiao Bai, adjusting the brand's name and image to suit different consumer markets can have a significant impact on its success. In today's competitive marketplace, companies must invest in research and creativity to create a distinctive brand identity that resonates with their target audience. By doing so, they can establish a loyal customer base and achieve long-term success.


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