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看到我写的文章的外贸朋友们,应该记得,我在前面谈论过,客户不回复邮件有几种可能,所以不要把所有问题怪罪在开发信上,希望大家不要在认为开发信就是万能。相信,大家也看到过各种各样的开发信模板。其实,开发信没有一个固定的格式 ,你要知道不同的公司不同的产品,开发信还是不一样,但是不管怎么样。所有的开发信,都遵循这么一个原则,就是在正确的时间用正确的方式发给正确的人。可能有些人不太理解这句话的内容。下面我来说下。

何谓正确的时间呢?就是讲究发信的时间,如何能让客户在上班的 时间可以看到你的邮件(虽说不是在 前面,也不会在客户的 底层)。这里分二点

1 :  周一不适合发邮件,我相信大家都知道,在假期后上班的第 ,大家的心情都还不在状态,处理问题可能就会很,马虎,况且通常周一,客户的会有各种业务员的邮件和垃圾邮件,这时候,可能扫了一眼就拉进垃圾了,结果大家都猜到了吧! 相信我,人不是万能的,想想自己假期后上班的第 ,我想这个问题就不难理解了,老外其实也好我们一样的心情的,他不是万能的。

 2:掌握时差问题,这个就考虑到细节了,而且这个联系到,你们产品主要销哪个 ,哪个地区,哪个市场是相当重要的。掌握了时差你就知道,对于那些你该早上发信件,哪些你该下午发信件。这是提高邮件回复率的手段哦。

何谓正确的方式?就是邮件不要群发,有外贸业务员,找到客户的后,就什么都不管,先狂轰乱炸 ,群发一遍。有的甚至采取邮件群发的方式,这里,我不得不说,你发那么多邮件出去,要是没有一封邮件被阅读,那也是做的无用功,没有一点价值,只有被阅读的邮件才是有价值的。我们不能找到一个准确的方式让所有客户打开你的邮件 ,而且理你,但是我们可以写一封比较符合的,让客户有兴趣打开,就好比,现在卖衣服,卖鞋子,卖吃的 都分消费的。还有标题要有新颖,能勾起阅读兴趣 好,不要给人的 感觉就是开发信,还有内容越简短越好,太长的话,那样是没有效果的。因为客户没那么多时间阅读你那么长的文章。所以写开发信既要短,又要精炼 ,而且标题要新颖。这就是正确的方式。

What is the right way? Don't send emails in groups. There are foreign trade salesmen. After finding the customer's mailbox, they don't care about anything. They bombard and send them in groups first. Some even take the way of mass mailing. Here, I have to say that if you send so many emails, if no email is read, it is useless and worthless. Only the email that is read is valuable. We can't find an accurate way to let all customers open your email and deal with you, but we can write a more consistent one to make customers interested in opening it. For example, selling clothes, shoes and food is divided into consumption. In addition, the title should be novel and can arouse interest in reading. It's best not to give people the first feeling of development letter. The shorter the content, the better. If it's too long, it won't work. Because customers don't have so much time to read your long articles. Therefore, writing a development letter should be short, concise and novel. This is the right likes,Instagram likes cheap


What is the right person? It is to ensure that the person who reads your letter has the right to make decisions, or can make suggestions with the boss of their company. More importantly, it is to ensure that the email you send is effective. Also note that the content of the letter should not be filtered into spam by the customer's email and directly filtered out. All the details need us to do a good job before likes,Instagram likes cheap



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