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The high operation panel for sellers enables them to utilize customized source tags for tracking the entry points of shoppers into their stores. This allows them to stay updated on their diverse traffic sources. Initially, the brand was restricted to 30 source tags, but now they can view and export all 100 source tags. Amazon also permits major brands to create source tag links for store pages other than the home page. The brand can choose the desired page as the target and generate unique tag names and links. This is the most effective way to purchase IG followers.


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现在刚刚出现的一个名字,叫拼少少,怎么样,看到这个名字之后,绝大多数的小伙伴应该都想到了拼多多,没错,两者的联系确实太微妙了。不仅名字非常像拼多多,而且看完它的标志后,小伙伴们纷纷表示,显然是京东和途牛合体的结果,而近期,拼少少经历了建立初期的布局和准备工作后,也要上线了。现在的拼多多,在热度方面绝对是不缺的,很显然,拼少少有蹭热度的嫌疑,但拼多多状告拼少少是商标 …