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3月7日,基斯·布里斯托(Keith Bristow)在分享一张当地阿斯达的照片时,描述了照片上的人推着一辆装满婴儿牛奶的手推车。他提到自己的女儿给他打电话说在伯明翰的阿斯达已经卖完了牛奶。

Keith Bristow, on March 7, posted a picture on social media. The image showed a man at a local Asda store in Birmingham, pushing a cart filled with baby milk. In his caption, Keith mentioned that his daughter informed him that the milk at her local Asda in Birmingham had completely sold out. Additionally, he mentioned that he was sharing this information to highlight the situation. As a result, he wanted to raise awareness about the scarcity of baby milk at Asda stores in Birmingham.


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