IG加粉丝 eBay将于7月1日关闭西班牙站点instalikes free,how do you host on Instagram

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据报道,这并不是eBay西班牙 次发生类似的事情。在2009年经济危机时,eBay西班牙站也决定关闭当地的分支机构,只留下一个负责沟通的人驻扎在苏黎世。

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据悉,来自eBay的公司关于关闭西班牙子公司的 声明如下:


在审查了西班牙市场的业务后,eBay已决定停止在西班牙的业务。我们理解这一决定对我们团队的影响,因此我们进行了联合谈判,达成了对公司和员工都有利的协议。我们要向我们的西班牙卖家和买家社区保证,eBay没有退出西班牙市场的计划,并将继续为他们提供 好的支持,正如我们在其他欧洲市场所做的那样。

After reviewing its business in the Spanish market, eBay has decided to stop its business in Spain. We understood the impact of this decision on our team, so we conducted joint negotiations and reached an agreement beneficial to the company and employees. We want to assure our Spanish seller and buyer community that eBay has no plans to exit the Spanish market and will continue to provide them with good support, as we have done in other European markets.instalikes free,how do you host on Instagram


eBay西班牙公司内部人士表示:“原来由当地团队提供建议的西班牙专业卖家现在将得到eBay在欧洲的专业团队支持。这将使卖家能够保持其eBay业务的顺利运行,维持其在eBay.co.uk上的国内业务,并促进其在eBay 市场上的出口,接触到eBay全球1.87亿活跃买家。”

An insider of eBay Spain said: "Spanish professional sellers who were originally advised by the local team will now be supported by eBay's professional team in Europe. This will enable sellers to maintain the smooth operation of their eBay business, maintain their domestic business on ebay.co.uk, promote their exports in the eBay market and reach 187 million active eBay buyers worldwide."instalikes free,how do you host on Instagram

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